Research Overview
Main Research Areas
1. Sustainable Energy Transition
The HEALED Project incorporates economic analysis and energy modeling methods to examine what types of infrastructure, technologies, and policy intervention are needed to make rapid decarbonization of our energy systems feasible.
3. Politically Feasible Decarbonization Pathways
Policymakers are faced with the major responsibility of designing policy solutions that will have transformative impacts on our energy, human, and climate systems. Uncertainties about changes in demographic and socioeconomic patterns, energy pathways, and technology choices can act as potential roadblocks that hinder vital decision-making. HEALED strives to help policymakers, researchers, and local agencies become equipped with the knowledge to make better informed decisions on how our policy choices can help us meet our most ambitious climate, energy, and equity goals.
2. Healthy Air Quality & Climate
Intentional and well-coordinated action towards improving air quality and mitigating climate change can have meaningful and tangible impacts on our health and well-being. HEALED combines key insights from air quality and health impact assessment models to better quantify the potential health effects of decarbonization and provide useful information on how the broader energy transition can impact both our climate and public health.
4. Equitable Climate Policies
While reducing consumption of fossil fuels can greatly reduce air pollution and CO2 emissions and level of premature deaths, the distribution of air pollution and climate impacts are not distributed equally.
How we design our climate policies has the power to create more sustainable and equitable energy systems. The HEALED Project strives to better understand how certain climate mitigation efforts will either improve or further exacerbate inequalities in our energy systems and what specific metrics to use to better assess equity.