HEALED Publications
***Bold indicate HEALED's Team Members***
​Designing Retirement Strategies for Coal-Fired Power Plants To Mitigate Air Pollution and Health Impacts C. Campos, E Pakhtigian, J Landry, H Wiseman, A Pham, W. Peng. 2024​
Multi-dimensional and region-specific planning for coal retirements. N Maamoun, R Kennedy, W Peng, D D’souza, M Gray, S Lavelle, N González-Jiménez, V Ehrenheim, M Joseph, J Urpelainen. iScience. 2023.
Effects of global climate mitigation on regional air quality and health. X Huang, V Srikrishnan, J Lamontagne, K Keller, W Peng. Nature Sustainability. 2023.
Equity Implications of Electric Vehicles: A Systematic Review on the Spatial Distribution of Emissions, Air Pollution and Health Impacts. A Sharma, J Shiwang, A Lee, W Peng. Environmental Research Letters. 2023.
Socio-demographic Factors Shaping the Future Global Health Burden from Air Pollution. H Yang, X Huang, D M Westervelt, L Horowitz, W Peng. Nature Sustainability. 2022.
Integrating Air Quality and Health Considerations into Power Sector Decarbonization Strategies. W Peng and Y Ou. Environmental Research Letters. 2022.
Emissions and Health Implications of Pennsylvania’s Entry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. H Yang, A T Pham, J R Landry, S A Blumsack, and W Peng. Environmental Science and Technology. 2021.
Incorporating political-feasibility concerns into the assessment of India’s clean-air policies. Wei Peng, S E Kim, P Purohit, J Urpelainen, F Wagner. One Earth. 2021.
The importance of health co-benefits under different climate policy cooperation frameworks. N Scovronick, D Anthoff, F Dennig, F Errickson, M Ferranna, W Peng, D Spears, F Wagner, M Budolfson. Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16(5).
​Opportunities for household energy on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Zhuang, MH, X Lu, W Peng, YF Wan, JX Wang, CP Nielsen, MB McElroy, 2021. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
​Clean air actions in China, PM2.5 exposure, and household medical expenditures: A quasi-experimental study. Xue, T., T Zhu, W Peng, TJ Guan, YX Zheng, GN Geng, Q Zhang (2021). PLOS Medicine.
The Critical Role of Policy Enforcement in Achieving Health, Air Quality and Climate Benefits from India’s Clean Electricity Transition. Peng, W., HC Dai, H Guo, P Purohit, J Urpelainen, F Wagner, YZ Wu, HL Zhang (2020). Environmental Science & Technology.
Potential Uses of Coal Methane in China and Associated Benefits for Air Quality, Health and Climate. Zhang, MY, S Jordaan, W Peng, Q Zhang, SM Miller (2020). Environmental Science & Technology.
Enabling a Rapid and Just Transition Away from Coal in China. He, G., J Lin, Y Zhang, WH Zhang, G Larangeria, C Zhang, W Peng, MZ Liu, FZ Yang (2020). One Earth.
An Ultra-low Emission Coal Power Fleet for Cleaner but not Hotter Air. Jin, YN, W Peng, J Urpelainen (2020). Environmental Research Letters.
​The Impact of Health Co-benefits on Evaluations of Global Climate Policy. Scovronick, N., M Budolfson, F Dennig, F Errickson, M Fleurbaey, W Peng, RH Socolow, D Spears, F Wagner (2019). Nature Communications.
Gasification of Coal and Biomass: A Net Carbon-Negative Power Source for Environment-Friendly Electricity Generation in China. Lu, X., L Cao, HK Wang, W Peng, J Xing, SX Wang, SY Cai, B Shen, Q Yang, CP Nielsen, MB McElroy (2019). Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.
Before 2019
Managing China’s Coal Power Plants for Multiple Environmental Objectives. Peng, W., F Wagner, MV Ramana, HB Zhai, MJ Small, C Dalin, X Zhang, DL Mauzerall (2018). Nature Sustainability.
Air Quality-Carbon-Water Synergies and Tradeoffs in China’s Natural Gas Industry. Qin, Y., L Hoglund-Isaksson, E Byers, KS Feng, F Wagner, W Peng, DL Mauzerall (2018). Nature Sustainability.
Climate, Air Quality and Human Health Benefits of Various Solar Photovoltaic Development Scenarios in China in 2030. Yang, JN., XY Li, W Peng, F Wagner, DL Mauzerall (2018). Environmental Research Letters.
Potential Co-benefits of Electrification for Air Quality, Health and CO2 Mitigation in 2030 China. Peng, W., JN Yang, X Lu, DL Mauzerall (2018). Applied Energy.
Substantial Air Quality and Climate Co-Benefits Achievable Now with Sectoral Mitigation Strategies in China. Peng, W., JN Yang, F Wagner, DL Mauzerall (2017). Science of the Total Environment. 598:1076-1084
Air Quality and Climate Benefits of Long-distance Electricity Transmission in China. Peng, W., JH Yuan, Y Zhao, MY Lin, Q Zhang, DG Victor, DL Mauzerall (2017). Environmental Research Letters. 12(6):064012
Air Quality, Health and Climate Implications of China’s Synthetic Natural Gas Development. Qin, Y., F Wagner, NC Scovronick, W Peng, JN Yang, T Zhu, KR Smith, DL Mauzerall (2017). Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 114(19): 4887-4892.
Air Pollutant Emissions from Chinese Households: A Major and Underappreciated Ambient Pollution Source. Liu, J., DL Mauzerall, Q Chen, Q Zhang, Y Song, W Peng, Z Klimont, XH Qiu, SQ Zhang, M Hu, WL Lin, KR Smith, T Zhu (2016). Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 113(28): 7756-7761
Association Between Changes in Air Pollution and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Children Before and During the Beijing Olympics. Lin, WW., T Zhu, T Xue, W Peng, B Brunekreef, U Gehring, W Huang, M Hu, YH Zhang, XY Tang (2015). American Journal of Epidemiology. 181(8): 575-583